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AFSCME Local 3001

American Federation of Teachers

Communications Workers of America

Communications Workers of America Virginia State Council

National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO)

National Education Association

National Nurses United

SEIU Virginia 512

Teamsters Local 95

UAW Region 8

United Food and Commercial Workers Union

UNITE HERE International Union

United Mine Workers of America

Virginia AFL-CIO

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Listed supporters of 90for90 believe in increased voter registration and participation, and support the program without regard for financial interest.  Candidates/Committees/Organizations may receive donations from viewers of the site, and at no time does this site or program seek a financial interest in those interactions. 90for90 does not seek, expect, or receive compensation in any form from commercial entities which support the program. Commercial enterprises which choose to support 90for90 do so from a desire solely to see the citizenry exercise their right to vote. 90for90 and do not endorse Candidates, Committees, Caucuses, Organizations, or Commercial Enterprises, and nothing herein contained should be construed as such..


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